Sally Brodie Sally Brodie

Is multi tasking an effective way to work?

Is multi tasking effective or is there a better way to work?

Some feel that by multi-tasking you are being super efficient, and I see it on CV’s all the time listed as a skill. I would argue the opposite, essentially if you are having to multi task it means you are overwhelmed and having to rush through items and do multiple actions at the same times. When you are multi tasking you might feel like you are getting more done but the reality is you are probably not doing those tasks to the best of your ability or as productively as you would like. I know if I am jumping from one thing to another the chances of me actually completing one of those tasks is slim. I’m more likely to do a little of all of them but not actually finish them off, leaving me feeling unproductive, demoralised and inefficient. You are also significantly more likely to make mistakes if you are multi tasking as your focus is split, so your quality of work is generally not as high. In today’s busy landscape it is so easy to descend into the urgency of multi tasking as we become overloaded with work. As a Business Manager one of the key elements I look at in a business is how productive and efficiently they are running, and managing tasks and priorities is a huge part of that. So if multi tasking isn’t the best way to work, what is?

Learning how to effectively manage multiple priorities is a better skillset, but it takes work. You need to plan, prioritise and focus on specific tasks. You’ll find you probably get more done by just focusing on one task at a time and actually completing it, you’ll also feel more positive and productive leading you to actually be, yep you guessed it, more productive! There’s a great quote by Josh Billings “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get here”. It makes me laugh but it’s right, procrastination is where dreams go to die. Prioritise by importance, use time blocking and don’t allow any distractions. I use the same rules to manage my inbox so it doesn’t become overwhelming. Further to that use automation to manage your tasks and projects so you aren’t having to keep everything in your head. I think it really depends on what kind of a person you are and how you like to work as to how you manage your day, but a few simple steps like setting task reminders, setting time limits and blocking out distractions really help. Plan out your day (I do this the night before) so you know exactly what you are getting into the next day. It means you can wake up with a clear mind and clear purpose as to what you are doing that day rather than feeling a bit scatter brained and running from one thing to another without a clear goal in mind. It’ll also help you manage urgent situations that arise rather than feeling immediately overwhelmed. Another huge tip is learn to effectively delegate. As a Business Manager a large part of running day to day operations is handling delegation tasks from a business owner, but also delegating to the team effectively. This is where team collaboration and communication are key and developing those will enable your team and business to run much more efficiently.

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What is a Business Manager? And do I need one?

What is a Business Manager? And do I need one?

What is a Business Manager?

What is a Business Manager? Honestly, sometimes even I struggle to articulately describe my own job! That’s not a bad thing as the role is really varied and part of our appeal is we can turn our hand to so many things. Even if it’s something I haven’t done before I’ll be able to research it and implement it for you without missing a beat. A Business Manager essentially can take over the organisational side of your business. Fundamentally we are here to help you focus on the big picture and drive your business forward while we run around in the background ensuring everything is running smoothly, efficiently and cost effectively! Some call us their right hand, or wing women and it’s true, we are there for you in a pinch. Generally, we are the most organised people, we love structure and efficiency and getting things done promptly but to an exceptional standard. We’re analytical and problem solvers. Myself, I’m all of those things and a perfectionist to top it off and it seeps into all aspects of my life, but people love it when I bring my perfectionist ways to their business. Sometimes it takes an outsider to see something that isn’t clear to you or you are too busy to be able to manage. Having someone look at processes, policies, procedures and tell you where they can be strengthened is invaluable. Even more invaluable, is having someone set it all up for you so you don’t even have to worry about it. It makes businesses more profitable, and often significantly less stressful. That’s a serious win win.

So next question….Do you need one?

I was talking to a friend the other day who runs his own business, which is only about a year old, but is doing extremely well. When I started to explain what I do, he immediately said, I think that’s what I’m going to need! He’s at that stage of his business where, in his own words, he doesn’t have time to do his job because he’s too busy sorting out all the admin and organisation. Something which is not his forte. He has a vision and an immense skillset, he doesn’t have the time nor the inclination to be the organiser and nor should he. That’s where a Business Manager comes in. We can turn our hands to creating SOP’s, project planning, system automation, financial analysis, people management, budget management and events, honestly the list is fairly endless. I’ve worked in so many different companies and I’ve learnt new skillsets at each one. Part of the appeal is being able to quickly understand the business and analyse where you can help. So if that’s where you are at with your business and you just don’t have the time to make everything happen and happen efficiently, then yes I’d say you need a Business Manager!

If you’ve decided a Business Manager is something you need, or want, the most important thing is you get one who works with you, who understands your business, your needs and your vision. It’s incredibly personal to share your business vision and you need to do it with someone you trust and someone who truly gets the person you are and the way you want to work. That’s why I’ll always offer a free, no obligation call before we decide to work together, because I may not suit you and you may not suit me. But I will say this, once you have one, you’ll never look back.

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